Bible Backgrounds
Video Templates About Bible Lands and History
Putting Scripture in Context
Bible Backgrounds Video Templates use scripts with photo images to explore background information on a variety of cultural, historical, and geographical topics. Click here to read why Bible Backgrounds is important. You can also read the FOBAI (Forum of Bible Agencies International) Basic Principles document about the necessity of properly evaluating Scripture in relation to Biblical culture and history at their Translation Standards Page:

Bible Backgrounds
Beautiful photographs of Holy Land scenery and certain aspects of lifestyle and customs of Bible times. Templates contain photos, music, and scripts allowing the translator to produce a video in their own language using the easy-to-use voiceover tool in Photo Story 3 (free software).
Over twenty relevant contextual topics available for download!
The set contains everything you need, including software to produce simple videos on DVD’s or on mobile phones. Translate the script and record using Photo Story 3 (software included).
Topics A
Agriculture Part 1
Agriculture Part 2
Nomadic Life
Topography and Climate Part 1
Topography and Climate Part 2
Travel in Bible Times
Topics B
Burial and Mourning Customs
Eating Customs
Israelite House
Water Sources
Writing, Scrolls, and Instruments
Topics C
Capital Punishment in the NT
Cities of Canaan
Cosmology — The Religions of the Ancient Near East
Exodus 1
Exodus 2
Topics D
High Places and Josiah's Reforms
Places in the Life of Jesus
The Tabernacle
The Temple in Jerusalem

This product package contains six videos in script and template form allowing the translator to put Bible history in any language through illustrations and photographs of actual locations. Each product set includes images, scripts, tutorials, and music files. A major emphasis of the set is on the writing of the New Testament and early church history from the book of Acts.