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The Bible Ramp


Seven research-based packages of Old Testament video templates allowing the translator to easily create short Bible story videos. Contact us at for more information on how to obtain these packages.

Package 1: Genesis Stories

God Creates the World

The Fall into Sin

The Flood

The Tower of Babel


Abraham - God's Call and Covenant

Sodom and Gomorrah

Abraham and Isaac

Jacob and Esau

Jacob Goes to Haran

Jacob's Journey Back to Canaan

Joseph the Dreamer

Joseph Taken to Egypt

Joseph and Pharoah

Joseph Reunites with his Family

Package 2: Moses, the Law, Passover, Tabernacle

Slavery in Egypt

The Early life of Moses

Moses meets with God

Moses and Pharaoh

The Plagues in Egypt

The Journey from Egypt

Israel at Mount Sinai

The Golden Calf

The Ten Commandments

The Tabernacle

The Spies Explore Canaan

The Death of Moses

Package 3: Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Saul

Joshua Sends Spies to Canaan

The Israelites Cross the Jordan

The Fall of Jericho

Achan's Sin and the Battle of Ai

Joshua - Warrior of God



God Gives Victory to Gideon

Samson Attacks the Philistines

Samson Dies

The Story of Ruth


Israel Demands a King

Saul is Anointed King

PACKAGE 4: David and Saul

Samuel Anoints David

David and Goliath

Saul Is Jealous of David

Jonathan Warns David

Saul Pursues David

The Death of Saul

David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem

PACKAGE 5: David and Solomon

David's Kindness to Mephibosheth

David and Bathsheba


Psalms of David

Solomon is Anointed King

Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Solomon Builds the Temple

Solomon Turns from God

The Kingdom Divided

PACKAGE 6: Kings of Israel, Elijah, and Elisha

The Kingdom Divided

Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

Ahab Covets Naboth's Vineyard

Elijah is Taken Up to Heaven

Elisha Heals Naaman

Joash Becomes King

The Fall of Israel

PACKAGE 7: Jonah, Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah


Josiah Renews the Covenant

The Destruction of Jerusalem

God Gives Daniel Wisdom

The Fiery Furnace

The Handwriting on the Wall

Daniel in the Lions' Den


Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem

*Research Articles:

Kuhn, Hanni. "Building a Ramp to the New Testament" Notes on Translation (1997): 1-5

Arthur, Eddie. "To Translate or Not to Translate: The Place of the Old testament in Missionary Strategy." Faith and Thought, (2012)

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