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Past CoP Episodes

This is the archive of Media Frames, the Community of Practice of International Media Services, from January 2023 and before. All episodes from February 2023 and beyond are found on our What's New page.


OBT. With Video. On a Phone. Yes, It's Real.

Oral Bible Translation. With video. On a phone. Sounds too good to be true? Not anymore. Meet the PG Studio app from the people behind The Hope Video Project. Watch the CoP with the developers behind the app.


"... In the Multitude of Counselors..."

As the ancient proverb says, “Without counsel, plans go awry,
But in the multitude of counselors they are established” — Proverbs 15:22 (NKJV).

In this CoP roundtable important conversations were had about social media, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the way forward for ministries in media. Click the link here for a seat at the table.


Animation is the Name of the Game

What part does animation play in your digital strategy? Three IMS staffers at the forefront of animation, both 2D and 3D, discuss their various projects and insights. Click here to watch.


The Possibilities! 

Rosemary Bolton explores all the practical ways she uses media as she works alongside people in the Nuaulu language group in Indonesia. Her presentation is a great resource for anyone newly involved in media work.

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